[manjaro-general] Update from Arch to Manjaro without reinstall

João Miguel jmcf125 at openmailbox.org
Wed Dec 23 15:10:01 CET 2015


Since OpenRC packages for the method I was using are no longer available
in the AUR, but are available on Manjaro, I was wondering whether I
could turn my existing Arch install into a Manjaro install.

I copied /usr/share/pacman/keyrings/manjaro*, /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
and /etc/pacman.conf from the installation cd, did pacman-key --init &&
pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro && pacman -S pacman-mirrorlist,
selected Branch=unstable on /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf, pacman-mirrors -g.

I have a few packages ahead of the repositories (can't downgrade
nvidia-utils, or nvidia-dkms will blow up), but when they catch up,
should it all go fine, or do I need anything else?

Also: openrc package conflicts with openrc from apg in the AUR. Why was
the name changed from openrc-core? This change also breaks some AUR init

Any reply welcome,
João Miguel

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