[manjaro-dev] where have most of my packages gone

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 16:48:52 CEST 2016

hi all
I've just noticed that someone has removed a lot of the shared software
I had in packages-desktop. I can easily put it back, I have a local copy
but the question is, will it be removed again if I do? There were a
bunch of printer drivers and such that aren't pulled into a default
install that should be there, although those can probably be integrated
into manjaro's packages, since those aren't sonar specific. I'm talking
specifically about the foomatic-db-* packages and a package called
c2esp, which provides cups drivers for a bunch of kodak printers. The 
full mate image is just over 1.2  gb, which is fine. Would it be
possible to separate the mate image from the additional software, to
reduce the image size without having to remove a lot of the included
software? The software does need to be put back though, because sonar is
supposed to come with tools for a lot of things. Don't worry I'm not
complaining, I was just a little surprised.
Kendell Clark

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