[manjaro-dev] confusion over gconf settings

Bernhard Landauer oberon at manjaro.org
Thu Mar 24 21:08:46 CET 2016

I will build your profile and have a look later tonight :)

On 24/03/16 20:18, kendell clark wrote:
> hi all
> I've just gotten the new sonar mate settings desktop package. I'm
> completely stumped though. When I boot our sonar live image, the
> keyboard shortcuts are set to what they're supposed to do, but they
> don't seem to work. I've set the sound theme to our sonar sound theme,
> but when I go into the sound settings to check, it still defaults to no
> sounds. When I press alt+control+t to launch a terminal, even though I
> set the default terminal app to be gnome terminal, I get an error
> because mate thinks I have mate terminal set. Would someone mind taking
> a look at our gschema override? I'm not at all sure what to do to fix
> this. I'd like to have our sonar background be the background, and it
> seems to be set properly, but when I boot the mate image it's not, it's
> some other background. I need help.
> Thanks
> Kendell Clark
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