[manjaro-dev] Update on Manjaro-arm and help with boxit

dodgejcr dodgejcr at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 18:36:23 CET 2016

Hi pedro,

No mistake made, we are looking for any and all help. As of now, we are
still in the <building the packages> stage, if you want to help with
that, we would appreciate it greatly. We also need help with setting up
the wiki and eventually an easy, user-friendly method to install. Torei
and I mainly work out of IRC as that is quick and easy way of
communication between us. 

We are both located in the US so times when we are awake are best times
to catch us there. If you want to get started and set up distcc, join
the IRC [1] and I can walk you through on getting started. 

Thanks for showing interest!

**** Links
IRC webchat http://webchat.freenode.net?channels=%23manjaro-arm&uio=d4


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