[manjaro-dev] Update on Manjaro-arm and help with boxit

Pedro Lira lirapdo at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 18:17:51 CET 2016


I've been following this mailing list for a while now and I wanna
contribute to this project.
I have a raspberry pi 2, any guidelines or advice on "how to start helping"
would be apreciated.

(I'm sorry if I made a mistake by sending this email on this thread)

Pedro Lira
github <https://github.com/liraop>| linkedin

2016-01-11 14:00 GMT-03:00 dodgejcr <dodgejcr at gmail.com>:

> Phil,
> That is something that we will have to discuss. I have probably 4
> machines that can act as the 'server' as manjaro-arm.org (and the
> repo/wiki)is currently hosted at a shared web host so I can not easily
> install anything. I think the best way to go from here would be do it
> locally on one of my machines and clone it into webserver for faster
> speeds and more distributed bandwidth. I can set up you up with SSH no
> problems. To make things clean, I will do it on an older dualcore
> laptop that I have set up as an IRC box as my others are being used for
> mediaserver or filebox currently. It is running Manjaro and I will
> update it today to make it nicer for working with. Just catch me in IRC
> when you want to do this or send me an email <dodgejcr at gmail.com>.
> I've been looking at other devices to get in order to build on and the
> CuBox seems like a great device. Nice of them to sponsor, might have to
> pick one up and make that the next device to get built to make them
> happy.
> Thanks,
> --dodge
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