[manjaro-dev] Error installing Manjaro

Philip Müller philm at manjaro.org
Fri Oct 16 18:29:26 CEST 2015

Am 16.10.2015 um 16:22 schrieb Josh Stephens:
> So I tried again last night and this time it worked. The only thing I can
> come up with would be that I had used the usb stick to reinstall my other
> manjaro system using the XFCE image so I had to re-download the Cinnamon
> release and after booting it up and clicking on Calamares it worked right
> away. Which to me would point to maybe a bad download.
> Wish I had the old download to see what the checksum was on the image.

Hi Josh,

thx for the information. Some issues are one-time only. I also reported
something which is now gone. Happens sometimes. A glitch in the Matrix ;)


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