[manjaro-dev] manjaro-dev Digest, Vol 5, Issue 13

thehands at internode.on.net thehands at internode.on.net
Thu Dec 12 15:56:48 CET 2013

 My previous post got somewhat truncated for some reason, probably due 
to my using bold font style in places. 
 I'll post it again below (slightly amended), then I'll leave this 
topic alone. 
 I have something to say on this point number 2: 
 "2. Cancel your wiki and encourage those fresh faces to further 
improve the Arch one and discourage learned helplessness." 
 It is my understanding that one of the prime considerations 
concerning the content of the Manjaro wiki, is that it be written in a 
fashion that new GNU/Linux users can understand. The ArchWiki is not 
written in that fashion, it expects the user to have some experience 
with GNU/Linux & also to know how to search for anything that they 
don't know about a topic, be the search within their wiki (where it is 
policy not to duplicate information) or elsewhere. 
 If I went over to the ArchWiki, using my wiki editing privileges 
there & started rewriting their pages to suit those who are new to 
GNU/Linux, I would have my work removed ">"and discourage learned 
helplessness" is the kind of statement that I would expect from 
someone who has no compassion for those less knowledgeable, skilled & 
experienced than themselves. It is "that" all too common heartless 
attitude that turned me off Arch in the first place. That attitude 
which is held by some in the Arch community is, I think their biggest 
 I'll add that such an attitude is not held by the majority over 
there, but it is unfortunately too common. 
 Anyway, that's it for me on this one. Thank you all for all of your 
hard work in making Manjaro what it is. :) 
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