[manjaro-dev] [PATCH] Thus GPT/UEFI support fixes

Ramon Buldo rbuldo at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 03:05:16 CET 2013

I made some fixes to Thus GTP/UEFI support

- Creation of partitions in a gpt disk
- Format EFI partition, and mount it on /boot/efi
- grub2-efi installation

grub2-efi installation isn't done in a chroot because when efibootmgr
runs it doesn't detect a uefi environment and fails to add a new uefi
boot entry.

I tested all installation "modes", and the only thing that doesn't
work is encryption without lvm.

Also another problem I found is if the disk is formatted in mbr, when
you create the gpt partition you need to reboot for the kernel to
properly recognize the new disk and be able to create partitions
without problems.

diff --git a/src/auto_partition.py b/src/auto_partition.py
index 12b8ed2..ce72c7e 100644
--- a/src/auto_partition.py
+++ b/src/auto_partition.py
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ class AutoPartition(object):

     def get_devices(self):
         """ Set (and return) all partitions on the device """
+        efi = ""
         boot = ""
         swap = ""
         root = ""
@@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ class AutoPartition(object):
         # self.auto_device is of type /dev/sdX or /dev/hdX

         if self.uefi:
+            efi = self.auto_device + "2"
             boot = self.auto_device + "3"
             swap = self.auto_device + "4"
             root = self.auto_device + "5"
@@ -242,18 +244,21 @@ class AutoPartition(object):
             if self.home:
                 home = "/dev/antergosVG/ManjaroHome"

-        return (boot, swap, root, luks, lvm, home)
+        return (efi, boot, swap, root, luks, lvm, home)

     def get_mount_devices(self):
         """ Mount_devices will be used when configuring GRUB in
modify_grub_default() in installation_process.py """

-        (boot_device, swap_device, root_device, luks_devices,
lvm_device, home_device) = self.get_devices()
+        (efi_device, boot_device, swap_device, root_device,
luks_devices, lvm_device, home_device) = self.get_devices()

         mount_devices = {}
         mount_devices["/boot"] = boot_device
         mount_devices["/"] = root_device
         mount_devices["/home"] = home_device
+        if self.uefi:
+            mount_devices["/boot/efi"] = efi_device
         if self.luks:
             mount_devices["/"] = luks_devices[0]
             if self.home and not self.lvm:
@@ -269,13 +274,16 @@ class AutoPartition(object):
     def get_fs_devices(self):
         """ fs_devices will be used when configuring the fstab file
in installation_process.py """

-        (boot_device, swap_device, root_device, luks_devices,
lvm_device, home_device) = self.get_devices()
+        (efi_device, boot_device, swap_device, root_device,
luks_devices, lvm_device, home_device) = self.get_devices()

         fs_devices = {}

         fs_devices[boot_device] = "ext2"
         fs_devices[swap_device] = "swap"
+        if self.uefi:
+            fs_devices[efi_device] = "vfat"
         if self.luks:
             fs_devices[luks_devices[0]] = "ext4"
             if self.home:
@@ -327,9 +335,11 @@ class AutoPartition(object):
         if self.uefi:
             gpt_bios_grub_part_size = 2
             uefisys_part_size = 512
+            empty_space_size = 1
             gpt_bios_grub_part_size = 0
             uefisys_part_size = 0
+            empty_space_size = 0

         # Get just the disk size in 1000*1000 MB
         device = self.auto_device
@@ -359,7 +369,7 @@ class AutoPartition(object):
         if mem_total <= 1572864:
             swap_part_size = mem_total / 1024

-        root_part_size = disc_size - (gpt_bios_grub_part_size +
uefisys_part_size + boot_part_size + swap_part_size)
+        root_part_size = disc_size - (empty_space_size +
gpt_bios_grub_part_size + uefisys_part_size + boot_part_size +

         home_part_size = 0
         if self.home:
@@ -403,26 +413,26 @@ class AutoPartition(object):
             subprocess.check_call(["dd", "if=/dev/zero", "of=%s" %
device, "bs=512", "count=2048", "status=noxfer"])
             subprocess.check_call(["wipefs", "-a", device])
             # Create fresh GPT
-            subprocess.check_call(["sgdisk", "--clear", device])
+            subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk --clear %s' % device], shell=True)
             # Create actual partitions
-            subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk',
'--set-alignment="2048"', '--new=1:1M:+%dM' % gpt_bios_grub_part_size,
-                '--typecode=1:EF02', '--change-name=1:BIOS_GRUB', device])
-            subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk',
'--set-alignment="2048"', '--new=2:0:+%dM' % uefisys_part_size,
-                '--typecode=2:EF00', '--change-name=2:UEFI_SYSTEM', device])
-            subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk',
'--set-alignment="2048"', '--new=3:0:+%dM' % boot_part_size,
-                '--typecode=3:8300', '--attributes=3:set:2',
'--change-name=3:MANJARO_BOOT', device])
+            subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk --set-alignment="2048"
--new=1:1M:+%dM --typecode=1:EF02 --change-name=1:BIOS_GRUB %s'
+          % (gpt_bios_grub_part_size, device)], shell=True)
+            subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk --set-alignment="2048"
--new=2:0:+%dM --typecode=2:EF00 --change-name=2:UEFI_SYSTEM %s'
+          % (uefisys_part_size, device)], shell=True)
+            subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk --set-alignment="2048"
--new=3:0:+%dM --typecode=3:8300 --attributes=3:set:2
--change-name=3:MANJARO_BOOT %s'
+          % (boot_part_size, device)], shell=True)

             if self.lvm:
-                subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk',
'--set-alignment="2048"', '--new=4:0:+%dM' % lvm_pv_part_size,
-                    '--typecode=4:8200',
'--change-name=4:MANJARO_LVM', device])
+                subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk --set-alignment="2048"
--new=4:0:+%dM --typecode=4:8E00 --change-name=4:MANJARO_LVM %s'
+          % (lvm_pv_part_size, device)], shell=True)
-                subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk',
'--set-alignment="2048"', '--new=4:0:+%dM' % swap_part_size,
-                    '--typecode=4:8200',
'--change-name=4:MANJARO_SWAP', device])
-                subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk',
'--set-alignment="2048"', '--new=5:0:+%dM' % root_part_size,
-                    ' --typecode=5:8300',
'--change-name=5:MANJARO_ROOT', device])
+                subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk --set-alignment="2048"
--new=4:0:+%dM --typecode=4:8200 --change-name=4:MANJARO_SWAP %s'
+          % (swap_part_size, device)], shell=True)
+                subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk --set-alignment="2048"
--new=5:0:+%dM --typecode=5:8300 --change-name=5:MANJARO_ROOT %s'
+          % (root_part_size, device)], shell=True)
                 if self.home:
-                    subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk',
'--set-alignment="2048"', '--new=6:0:+%dM' % home_part_size,
-                        ' --typecode=6:8300',
'--change-name=5:MANJARO_HOME', device])
+                    subprocess.check_call(['sgdisk
--set-alignment="2048" --new=6:0:+%dM --typecode=6:8300
--change-name=5:MANJARO_HOME %s'
+              % (home_part_size, device)], shell=True)

             logging.debug(check_output("sgdisk --print %s" % device))
@@ -465,10 +475,14 @@ class AutoPartition(object):
         # Wait until /dev initialized correct devices
         subprocess.check_call(["udevadm", "settle"])

-        (boot_device, swap_device, root_device, luks_devices,
lvm_device, home_device) = self.get_devices()
+        (efi_device, boot_device, swap_device, root_device,
luks_devices, lvm_device, home_device) = self.get_devices()

-        if not self.home:
+        if not self.home and self.uefi:
+            logging.debug("EFI %s, Boot %s, Swap %s, Root %s",
efi_device, boot_device, swap_device, root_device)
+        elif not self.home and not self.uefi:
             logging.debug("Boot %s, Swap %s, Root %s", boot_device,
swap_device, root_device)
+        elif self.home and self.uefi:
+            logging.debug("EFI %s, Boot %s, Swap %s, Root %s, Home
%s", efi_device, boot_device, swap_device, root_device, home_device)
             logging.debug("Boot %s, Swap %s, Root %s, Home %s",
boot_device, swap_device, root_device, home_device)

@@ -500,7 +514,9 @@ class AutoPartition(object):
         self.mkfs(root_device, "ext4", "/", "ManjaroRoot")
         self.mkfs(swap_device, "swap", "", "ManjaroSwap")
         self.mkfs(boot_device, "ext2", "/boot", "ManjaroBoot")
+        # Format the EFI partition
+        if self.uefi:
+            self.mkfs(efi_device, "vfat", "/boot/efi", "ManjaroEFI")
         if self.home:
             self.mkfs(home_device, "ext4", "/home", "ManjaroHome")

diff --git a/src/installation_process.py b/src/installation_process.py
index a1ad613..95e8055 100644
--- a/src/installation_process.py
+++ b/src/installation_process.py
@@ -783,13 +783,8 @@ class InstallationProcess(multiprocessing.Process):


-        self.chroot(['grub-install', \
-                  '--directory=/usr/lib/grub/%s-efi' % uefi_arch, \
-                  '--target=%s-efi' % uefi_arch, \
-                  '--bootloader-id="manjaro_grub"', \
-                  '--boot-directory=/boot', \
-                  '--recheck', \
-                  grub_device])
+        subprocess.check_call(['grub-install --target=%s-efi
--efi-directory=/install/boot/efi --bootloader-id=manjaro_grub '
+      '--boot-directory=/install/boot --recheck' % uefi_arch], shell=True)


@@ -800,28 +795,6 @@ class InstallationProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
         self.chroot(['sh', '-c', 'LANG=%s grub-mkconfig -o
/boot/grub/grub.cfg' % locale])

-        grub_cfg = "%s/boot/grub/grub.cfg" % self.dest_dir
-        grub_standalone =
"%s/boot/efi/EFI/manjaro_grub/grub%s_standalone.cfg" % (self.dest_dir,
-        try:
-            shutil.copy2(grub_cfg, grub_standalone)
-        except FileNotFoundError:
-            self.queue_event('warning', _("ERROR installing GRUB(2)
configuration file."))
-            return
-        except FileExistsError:
-            # ignore if already exists
-            pass
-        self.chroot_mount_special_dirs()
-        self.chroot(['grub-mkstandalone', \
-                  '--directory=/usr/lib/grub/%s-efi' % uefi_arch, \
-                  '--format=%s-efi' % uefi_arch, \
-                  '--compression="xz"', \
'--output="/boot/efi/EFI/manjaro_grub/grub%s_standalone.efi' %
spec_uefi_arch, \
-                  'boot/grub/grub.cfg'])
-        self.chroot_umount_special_dirs()
-        # TODO: Create a boot entry for Manjaro in the UEFI boot
manager (is this necessary?)
     def install_bootloader_grub2_locales(self):
         """ Install Grub2 locales """
         dest_locale_dir = os.path.join(self.dest_dir, "boot/grub/locale")
diff --git a/thus.py b/thus.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

Ramon Buldó

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