[manjaro-testing] problem with dbus-1.10.10-3

Jonathon Fernyhough jonathon at manjaro.org
Mon Aug 29 21:56:04 CEST 2016

On 29/08/16 18:20, Peter Maloney wrote:
> Hi. I'm using the testing branch. When I upgrade which installs
> dbus-1.10.10-3, plasma5 is broken.
> pacman.log:
> [2016-08-29 18:13] [ALPM] removed libdbus (1.10.8-1)
> [2016-08-29 18:13] [ALPM] upgraded dbus (1.10.8-1 -> 1.10.10-3)
> Upgrading while the desktop is running makes kate, etc. stop working.
> And I think firefox crashed. Upgrading and restarting makes X show some
> error about failing to launch dbus, which I think comes before sddm logs
> me in.
> Downgrading to dbus and libdbus 1.10.8 makes it work again.

This sounds like a library versions issue - if that's the case then any
application that is built against dbus 1.10.8 will fail to run properly
with dbus 1.10.10.

One way to check would be to try the packages in unstable; if they have
been rebuilt and work then dbus needs to be held out of stable until the
other packages catch up.


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