[manjaro-security] Firefox 48 is imminent

Jonathon Fernyhough jonathon at manjaro.org
Fri Jul 29 12:22:29 CEST 2016

Hi guys.

Firefox 48 was uploaded to Ubuntu Yakkety last night [1]. It's also in
the Ubuntu Mozilla Security Team PPA [2] (and I've also built it for
Trusty and Xenial in advance of the official release).

It does have (will have) a security announcement: USN-3044-1 [3].

We might consider building this in advance so it can be pushed out on


[1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/48.0+build2-0ubuntu1
[3] http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3044-1/

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