[manjaro-general] using AppImage packages

Serge Smeesters serge at facegnu.org
Wed Aug 12 13:53:30 CEST 2020


I don’t know but cura-git seam to be a good way.
→ https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cura-git/
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You shold place comment, question and solutions to build, from git...

For me worked nice...

With pamac, AUR enabled, installed cura-git and got then
Installed well...

So, just enable AUR in pamac, search cura-git, click to build and then 
enjoy... No need AppImage.

Tell us here what append for you next...

Best regards,

Le 12/08/20 à 04:53, mick howe a écrit :
> I need to run Cura version 4.6.2  to slice some 3D prints but can only 
> find it as either tar.gz or an AppImage.
> question 1: how do I make an AppImage run on manjaro?
> I tried looking at AppImage page but couldn't find anything clear, 
> everything seemed to be about creating an image.
> Question 2: how can I produce an AUR thingy to make a child of the 
> package management
> system?
> mick in icy glen innes 2370

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