[manjaro-general] Online accounts on manjaro i3 community edition

Jonathon Fernyhough jonathon at manjaro.org
Sat May 18 12:56:50 CEST 2019

On 18/05/2019 08:44, Alvaro Eixea wrote:
> i have installed package online-accounts, 

I believe you mean "gnome-online-accounts". This is a GNOME desktop
package so relies on GNOME packages being installed. It's unlikely to
work outside of GNOME.

"GNOME Online Accounts Single sign-on framework for GNOME. It aims to
provide a way for users to setup online accounts to be used by the core
system and core applications only. Calendar entries show up in GNOME
Shell, e-mail in Evolution, online storages are exposed as GVolumes, and
so on."


> the option apears on Settings tab on menu (mod+z) but when click on it, nothing happend

Try running it in a terminal and see what output you get.

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