[manjaro-general] [Stable Update] 2018-05-17 – GCC8, Gimp, KDE, Gnome, Deepin, Firefox

Manjaro Linux: Bernhard Landauer jonathon at manjaro.org
Fri May 18 00:13:28 CEST 2018

Hi community,

although we tried to wait not too long since the last one, this has again become quite a big and important **stable update**.  
With the arrival of **GCC8** all our kernels with extramodules and other software had to be re-compiled. Kernels **linux 414, 416, 49** and realtime LTS kernel **4.14.40-rt30** had new point releases and **linux417** is now at **rc5**.

**GIMP** has gone 'all mushrooms' 😉 with a fresh new look for its latest stable release:


We update **Gnome** to **3.28.2**, **KDE-framework** to **5.46** with **KDE-apps 18.04.1** and **Deepin** and **Cinnamon** receive several package updates aswell. Also of course we have the very latest browser versions for you: **Firefox 60.0.1**, **Chromium 66.0.3359.181** and **Palemoon 27.9.1**

Users of video editor **flowblade** (from the AUR) should be aware that it is currently not ready for **mlt 6.8.0**, which is also on today's package list! Hopefully its developers will be able to adjust quickly…

* * *

If you are curious about the latest state of development for the upcoming **Manjaro-Illyria 18.0** release, you now have the opportunity to download a [beta-build][2] of **Manjaro-Xfce 18.0** including the latest **xfce-gtk3** packages aswell as our most recent styling efforts:


* * *

Latest information about the **intel-cpu-bug** risk and our efforts can be found [here][4].

Please report any issue you may have with this update and in general on the [Manjaro Forum][5]. We appreciate your feedback and any suggestions.

Bernhard Landauer  
and the Manjaro Development Team

* * *

**Current supported Kernels**

  * linux316 3.16.56
  * linux318 3.18.108 [EOL]
  * linux41 4.1.51
  * linux44 4.4.131
  * linux49 4.9.99
  * linux414 4.14.40
  * linux415 4.15.18 [EOL]
  * linux416 4.16.8
  * linux417 4.17-rc5
  * linux414-rt 4.14.40_rt30
  * linux416-rt 4.16.7_rt3

**Package Updates** (Thu May 17 23:13 CEST 2018)

  * community x86_64: 912 new and 879 removed packages
  * core x86_64: 42 new and 43 removed package
  * extra x86_64: 951 new and 959 removed package
  * multilib x86_64: 13 new and 17 removed package

The full package list can be found [here][6].


  * [Talk about this update-pack in our forum][7]
  * [Download Manjaro 17.1.10][8]
  * [We are always happy about your support with a small donation][9]


   [1]: https://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-05-17-221241_1920x1080_scrot.png
   [2]: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/manjaro-xfce-18-0-2nd-beta-build-testing/47347
   [3]: https://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/xfce-18.0-beta_1000.png
   [4]: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/kernel-page-table-isolation-kpti-severe-intel-cpu-bug/37506
   [5]: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/stable-update-2018-05-17-gcc8-gimp-kde-gnome-deepin-firefox/47510
   [6]: https://gist.github.com/oberon2007/df3dbf0c20fdfbd10fa6e66238f164c2
   [7]: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/47510
   [8]: https://manjaro.org/get-manjaro/
   [9]: https://manjaro.org/donate/
   [10]: https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmanjaro.org%2F2018%2F05%2F18%2Fstable-update-2018-05-17-gcc8-gimp-kde-gnome-deepin-firefox%2F&via=ManjaroLinux

URL: https://manjaro.org/2018/05/18/stable-update-2018-05-17-gcc8-gimp-kde-gnome-deepin-firefox/

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