[manjaro-general] [Stable Update] 2017-12-03 – Kernels, Mesa, Firefox, Thunderbird, Plasma5

Manjaro Linux: Philip Müller jonathon at manjaro.org
Fri Dec 22 08:50:11 CET 2017

[![system_software_update][1]][1]Hi community,

with this we had updated Firefox and Thunderbird. We removed our KDE editions of both Mozilla applications. Please switch to the regular ones from now on. Also this brings updated kernels, the lastest MESA and Deepin packages, Plasma v5.11.4 and latest Thunar v1.7 for our XFCE-GTK3 desktop.

Remember,** we only continue with our 64bit architecture from now on**. Please adopt to [another distribution][2], if needed on 32bit supported systems, as you may not get any updates on that architecture from us.

Please report back and give us feedback for given changes made to our repositories.

kind regards

Philip Müller  
_Manjaro Project Lead_

* * *

**Current supported Kernels**

  * linux316 3.16.51
  * linux318 3.18.85 [EOL]
  * linux41 4.1.46
  * linux44 4.4.103
  * linux49 4.9.66
  * linux412 4.12.14 [EOL]
  * linux413 4.13.16 [EOL]
  * linux414 4.14.3
  * linux415 4.15-rc1
  * linux-RT-LTS 4.9.65_rt56
  * linux-RT 4.11.12_rt16

**Package Updates** (Thu Nov 30 20:37:49 CET 2017)

  * community x86_64: 305 new and 374 removed package(s)
  * core x86_64: 28 new and 28 removed package(s)
  * extra x86_64: 433 new and 429 removed package(s)
  * multilib x86_64: 18 new and 13 removed package(s)


  * [Talk about this update-pack in our forum][3]
  * [Download Manjaro 17.1-pre3][4]
  * [We are always happy for some support via a small donation][5]


   [1]: https://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/system_software_update.png
   [2]: http://manjaro32.org/
   [3]: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/35810
   [4]: https://manjaro.org/manjaro-preview-releases/
   [5]: https://manjaro.org/donate/
   [6]: https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmanjaro.org%2F2017%2F12%2F03%2Fstable-update-2017-12-03-kernels-mesa-firefox-thunderbird-plasma5%2F&via=ManjaroLinux

URL: https://manjaro.org/2017/12/03/stable-update-2017-12-03-kernels-mesa-firefox-thunderbird-plasma5/

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