[manjaro-general] selective system upgrade

Jonathon Fernyhough jonathon at manjaro.org
Tue Apr 5 13:26:53 CEST 2016

On 05/04/16 11:17, message wrote:
> I don't want to upgrade everything, because the system works now, I
> don't like the constant upgrade culture and am happy with it (newer is
> not necessarily better for everyone). Is it possible to upgrade only
> selected parts of the manjaro system? For example, I see no value in
> upgrading abiword, I'm happy with the version installed now.

You can manually edit the update list (M), but it really sounds like you
don't want a rolling release distribution.

A rolling release _by definition_ has constant upgrades.

I recommend you look at the upcoming Ubuntu 16.04 - especially the MATE


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