[manjaro-general] Manjaro Cinnamon 16.02 released

Manjaro Linux jonathon at manjaro.org
Tue Feb 23 01:00:00 CET 2016


The Manjaro community is proud to announce another stable update release of the **Cinnamon Edition**. In addition to the **full edition** with office suite, graphics software and mailclient included, **Manjaro Cinnamon 16.02** is also available as a **minimal-edition** of 1GB download size, with users in mind who prefer to install their own preferred software.  
Recent development at Manjaro Linux is taking the **rollling release** model a step further by now delivering all **desktop settings** via **packages**. Like that users will have the option to update to the latest stage of development, even in regards of styling and desktop configuration, at any time if they wish - a feature that has often been requested.  
This edition comes with the new gtk-themes **Vertex Maia** and **Vertex Maia Square**, developed by the community to perfectly match the Maia icon theme.


  * Cinnamon 2.8.6
  * Nemo 2.8.6
  * Firefox 44
  * Thunderbird 38.6
  * Libre Office Suite 5.1
  * Gimp 2.8.16
  * Pragha music player
  * VLC media player
  * Manjaro Printer
  * Hexchat
  * Pidgin Instant Messenger


  * Wanjaro Welcome
  * Manjaro User Guide
  * Installers Calamares, Thus and CLI
  * Manjaro Settings Manager
  * Pamac
  * Yaourt
  * Isousb
  * Gparted
  * Baobab Disk usage analyzer

Please verify the downloaded ISO files with the provided **checksum** before installation, or the encrypted **gpg signature**:  
key ID 663CA268 “Bernhard Landauer [oberon at manjaro.org][2]” (for verification you can use for example ‘gpa’ (Linux), ‘Gpg4win’ (Windows), ‘MacGPG’ (OSx) )

king regards, Bernhard Landauer, Maintainer Manjaro Cinnamon

* * *

## Links

  * [Download here][3]
  * [Manjaro Forum Cinnamon Board][4]

   [1]: https://manjaro.github.io/images/manjaro-cinnamon-16.02.jpg
   [2]: https://manjaro.github.io/mailto:oberon@manjaro.org
   [3]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux/files/community/Cinnamon/2016.02/
   [4]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?board=54.0

URL: https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-Cinnamon-16.02-released/

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