[manjaro-general] Manjaro Linux 15.12-rc1 released

Manjaro Linux jonathon at manjaro.org
Mon Dec 7 01:00:00 CET 2015


I’m happy to announce the first release candidate of Manjaro 15.12 (Capella)!

It took us a while to prepare the install medias and to polish our graphical tools to get you the best Manjaro experience out there to come.

## Noteable Calamares changes are

  * we reworked our preview of all installation options
  * some UEFI issues got fixed
  * it is now possible to use the same password also for the root account
  * bootloaders can now be optionally installed (BIOS mode)

## Noteable changes in our tools

  * kcm module of Manjaro-Settings got reworked
  * several enhancements to Pamac and Octopi
  * optimizations and fixes to Manjaro-Tools
  * a lvm issue was fixed within Thus

## Notable changes in our packages

We managed to get Steam-Native running again, updated the kernel to 4.4-rc4, Mate to version 1.12.1, Virtualbox to 5.0.10, Systemd to 218, Wine to 1.8-rc3, SMplayer to 15.11, completed the transition to Deepin 2015 series and the regular upstream packages. For all friends of OpenRC. v0.19 is now in our repos.

Archlinux upstream fixes are now from: Mon Dec 7 08:26:20 CET 2015.

It is always good to check for updated packages, even we don’t notify you about them. As usual people using our testing branch will help us to get snaps over to our stable branch almost smoothly. For notifications on daily bases please take a look at our [mailing list][2].

Kind regards, Philip Müller and the Manjaro Development Team

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## Current supported kernels

  * Linux310 3.10.93
  * Linux312 3.12.51
  * Linux313
  * Linux314 3.14.57
  * Linux316
  * Linux318 3.18.24
  * Linux319
  * Linux41 4.1.13
  * Linux42 4.2.6
  * Linux43 4.3.0
  * Linux44 4.4-rc4

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## Package changes

  * community i686: 253 new and 228 removed package(s)
  * community x86_64: 248 new and 223 removed package(s)
  * core i686: 11 new and 14 removed package(s)
  * core x86_64: 11 new and 14 removed package(s)
  * extra i686: 124 new and 125 removed package(s)
  * extra x86_64: 125 new and 126 removed package(s)
  * multilib x86_64: 19 new and 15 removed package(s)

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## Links

  * [Talk about this update][3]
  * [Changelog][4]
  * [Download][5]

   [1]: https://manjaro.github.io/images/manjaro-15.12-rc1.jpg
   [2]: https://lists.manjaro.org/pipermail/manjaro-packages
   [3]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=28908.0
   [4]: https://lists.manjaro.org/pipermail/manjaro-packages/Week-of-Mon-20151207/005080.html
   [5]: http://manjaro.github.io/download/

URL: https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-15.12-rc1-released/

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