[manjaro-general] Manjaro JWM Edition 15.09-1 released

Manjaro Linux jonathon at manjaro.org
Tue Oct 13 02:00:00 CEST 2015


The Manjaro Community is proud to announce the release of our **JWM Edition 15.09-1 (Bellatrix)**. 

JWM (Joe’s Window Manager) is a lightweight stacking window manager for the X Window System written by Joe Wingbermuehle. JWM is written in C and uses only Xlib at a minimum. Configuration is by editing an XML file - no graphical configuration is supplied. 

It features our well-known tools and graphical interfaces in a mix of fresh artwork from our community. This release comes with our advanced graphical installer **Calamares** aswell as our CLI-installer. **Stable branch** was used to create these install media. 

## Features:

  * Linux Kernel 4.1.10-1; 
  * JWM 2.3.2-1; 
  * mhwd 0.5.6-1; 
  * Manjaro Settings Manager 0.4.12-1; 
  * 32bit version RAM footprint is now just 107MiB RAM and 64bit 146MiB RAM; 
  * 32bit version SIZE 779,09MiB and 64bits 911,21MiB; 
  * Pamac 2.4.2-2; 
  * Compton 0.1_beta2.r82.gd7f95b5-1; 
  * Conky 1.10.0-5; 
  * Dmenu 4.5-8; 
  * Pale Moon 25.7.1-1; 
  * XChat 2.8.8-15; 
  * LXMusic 0.4.6-1.1; 
  * LightDM 1:1.16.3-1; 
  * i3lock 2.7-1; 
  * cbatticon 1.5.0-1; 
  * Sakura 3.3.0-1; 
  * Medit 1.2.0-1; 
  * SpaceFM 1.0.3-1; 
  * Prelink 20130503-5; 
  * Scripts for AUR, printing, firewall, JDK and multimedia; 
  * JWM Thin Blue and GTK ME1 Themes; 
  * Icon Ultra Flat and RezoWhite Mouse Themes; 
  * Collection Wallpapers Charlie-Henson; 
  * README Manjaro JWM Edition 15.10; 

## New:

  * **Pacli** (bash frontend for pacman yaourt) 17515. 

## Note:

  * It is strongly recommended for reading the text README Manjaro JWM Edition 15.09 in /home. 
  * The Conky comes with temperature of Vitória (ES) city. To change that it is recommended to read item 11 of the README Manjaro JWM Edition 15.09.

* * *

## Links

  * [Forum post][2]
  * [Download here][3]

kind regards  
Holmes, Maintainer Manjaro JWM Edition

   [1]: https://manjaro.github.io/images/manjaro-jwm-15.09.jpg
   [2]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=27220.0
   [3]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/holmeslinux/files/Manjaro%20JWM%2015.09/Code%20111015final/

URL: https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-JWM-15.09-released/

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