[manjaro-general] Manjaro LX released

Manjaro Linux jonathon at manjaro.org
Thu Aug 13 02:00:00 CEST 2015


The Manjaro community is proud to present our new LX editions.

## New features and enhancements

Changes in our LXDE edition:

  * kernel 4.1.x
  * icons shadow (instead of faenza)
  * google DNS by default

Main applications:

  * pamac
  * droid fonts, shadow icons, mediteraneannightlight theme
  * midori, hexchat, sylpheed, transmission-gtk
  * smplayer. Alsa, pulseaudio, and pavucontrol installed
  * abiword and qpdfview
  * gedit, synapse, galculator
  * gparted, xsensors, xscreensaver, etc…
  * AUR support


Changes in our LXQT edition:

  * network-manager-applet-gtk2 replaced by network-manager-applet (if needed install ‘gnome-keyring’)
  * lxterminal replaces qterminal
  * cantata and mpd removed for the moment
  * xarchiver replaced by xarchiver-gtk2

Main applications:

  * network-manager
  * sddm
  * themes : frost + mediterraneannight
  * icons : lateafternoon
  * octopi and its associated tools
  * compton compositor and compton-conf installed and configured (tear-free), but not activated by default
  * redshift and redshiftconf installed but not activated
  * firefox 39, hexchat (IRC client), and transmission-qt (Bittorrent client)
  * lxterminal
  * leafpad as text editor
  * lximage : image viewer
  * alsa, and for the 64 only manjaro-pulse
  * mpv as audio/video player gui
  * qasmixer : alsa (and pulse ?) mixer
  * gparted : partition editor and mhwd-chroot
  * AUR support
  * xarchiver, qpdfview, speedcrunch, and a lot more

As usual, this release comes with our advanced graphical installer **Thus** aswell as our **CLI-installer**. Default kernel is **linux41**. **Stable** branch was used to create these install medias.

Please give us feedback and report any issues with this release.

kind regards Esclapion, Maintainer LX

* * *

## Links

  * [Forum LXDE post][3]
  * [Forum LXQT post][4]
  * [Download LXDE here][5]
  * [Download LXQT here][6]

   [1]: https://manjaro.github.io/images/manjaro-lxde-
   [2]: https://manjaro.github.io/images/manjaro-lxqt-
   [3]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=24814.0
   [4]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=25068.0
   [5]: http://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux/files/community/LXDE/2015.08/
   [6]: http://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux/files/community/LXQT/2015.08/

URL: https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-LX-

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