[manjaro-general] Manjaro Fluxbox Edition 0.8.9-1 released!

Manjaro Linux | Manjaro Linux: Manjaro Team j.fernyhough at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 19:04:05 CET 2014

[![manjarofx][1]][2]The hispanic Community is pleased to announce the latest release of Manjaro Fluxbox Edition 0.8.9-1 in both 32 and 64 bit.

Latest improvements include adding **Thus**, the graphical installer, and **full Manjaro Printer support** using applications to simplyfiy installing printers and drivers from the menu. **Improved settings in Compton** will remove occasional issues of backgrounds showing in some applications. We have also added **File-Roller for file management** and the **Aero and Aerodrop mouse cursors** in response to requests from our community.

Fluxbox itself is a stacking window manager for the X Window System, which started as a fork of Blackbox in 2001, with the same aim to be lightweight. Its user interface has only a taskbar, a pop-up menu accessible by right-clicking on the desktop, and minimal support for graphical icons. All basic configurations are controlled by text files, including the construction of menus and the mapping of keybindings. Fluxbox has high compliance to the Extended Window Manager Hints specification and supports tabbed windows.

We hope you enjoy this release!

kind regards  
_Enrique Quezada_


  * [Download Manjaro Fluxbox 0.8.9-1 (i686/x86_64)][3]
  * [Talk about this release (spanish)][4]

   [1]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/manjarofx-300x171.png
   [2]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/manjarofx.png (Manjaro Fluxbox Edition 0.8.9-1 released!)
   [3]: http://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux/files/community/Fluxbox/2014.03/
   [4]: http://manjaro-es.org/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1015

URL: http://manjaro.org/2014/03/18/manjaro-fluxbox-edition-0-8-9-1-released/

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