[manjaro-general] Seventh Update-Pack for Manjaro 0.8.8 available

Manjaro Linux | Manjaro Linux: philm j.fernyhough at gmail.com
Sun Feb 9 18:51:55 CET 2014

[![system_software_update][1]][2]We are happy to announce our seventh update-pack for Manjaro 0.8.8.

We worked hard to prepare this new update-pack for you. It includes updated kernels (3.4.78,, 3.10.28, 3.12.9, 3.13.1), newer MATE-packages, firefox 27.0, thunderbird 24.2, newer graphic drivers, mesa 10.0.3 and lot more upstream updates.

We managed to fix almost all known bugs in our graphical installer thus and added new features to our package managers pamac and octopi.

We also recommend to read our [testing thread][3] about this update to avoid issues you might still have and we missed …

**Current supported kernels:**

  * Linux34 **3.4.78** - our default kernel series for Manjaro 0.8.7
  * Linux38 **** - stable extended support kernel maintained by Canonical
  * Linux310 **3.10.28** - our default kernel series for Manjaro 0.8.8
  * Linux311 **** - stable extended support kernel maintained by Canonical
  * Linux312 **3.12.9** - current stable release by Linus.
  * Linux313 **3.13.1** - current mainstream kernel.


  * Mesa 10.0.3
  * Thunderbird 24.0
  * Firefox 27.0
  * Linux 3.4.78,, 3.10.28, 3.12.9 & 3.13.1

**Changes in [Detail][4]**

  * community i686: 314 new and 296 removed package(s)
  * community x86_64: 312 new and 294 removed package(s)
  * core i686: 34 new and 34 removed package(s)
  * core x86_64: 34 new and 34 removed package(s)
  * extra i686: 420 new and 417 removed package(s)
  * extra x86_64: 419 new and 416 removed package(s)
  * multilib x86_64: 28 new and 24 removed package(s)

**Update instructions:**

Update your system as usual with pamac, octopi or pacman:
    sudo pacman -Syu

_**We recommend to use pacman for this update if you use an AMD gfx-card. You also might want to install 'libcl' if needed.**_

Notice: You might have to wait until your mirror has synced.  
Please check: [http://repo.manjaro.org][5]

**Talk about this Update:**

You can talk about this update-pack in our [forum][6].

* * *


  * [Changes in details (1)][4]
  * [Changes in details (2)][7]
  * [Forum discussion][6]
  * [Check your mirror
  * [Download Manjaro 0.8.9-rc2][8]

   [1]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/system_software_update.png
   [2]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/system_software_update.png (Seventh Update-Pack for Manjaro 0.8.8 available)
   [3]: http://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=10613.0
   [4]: http://lists.manjaro.org/pipermail/manjaro-packages/Week-of-Mon-20140203/000621.html
   [5]: http://repo.manjaro.org
   [6]: http://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=10717.0
   [7]: http://lists.manjaro.org/pipermail/manjaro-packages/Week-of-Mon-20140203/000624.html
   [8]: http://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarotest/files/0.8.9/rc2/

URL: http://manjaro.org/2014/02/09/seventh-update-pack-for-manjaro-0-8-8-available/

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