[manjaro-general] 1st Release Candidate of Manjaro Openbox 0.8.9 available!

Manjaro Linux | Manjaro Linux: Manjaro Team j.fernyhough at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 10:43:32 CET 2014

[![manjaro-obleg-089][1]][2][![manjaro-obevo-089][3]][4]We are happy to announce our first release candidates of Manjaro Openbox Editions.

You get **Openbox 3.5.2** now from two editions: **Legacy** and **Evolution**. Each variant targets different audiences. Legacy is designed for our geeks. You can build up everything. We ship a **bare system** with that edition, just our cli package manager added and some basic system tools. With Evolution we offer **common used applications** and **Turbulence** to change your wallpapers, choose your panel position, install additional packages and much more.

**Turbulence** started as a tool to customize various aspects of your operating system at first boot for the KDE desktop. Similar to Chakra's kapudan, written in QT and Python, Turbulence is completely unique to Manjaro. To make our openbox editions even more userfriendly, we decided to port Turbulence also to that desktop environment.

Some of it's features are:  

  * Sleak gray graphical layout
  * Provides information of Manjaro to new users
  * Can allow the user to easily select which Folders he wants in his home directory
  * Allows users to select which theme they want for Kwin (KDE)
  * Allows users to select which wallpaper they want (KDE/Openbox)
  * Allows users to chose where to place your tint2 panel (Openbox)
  * Can also allow people to open system settings after they've ran through everything else to set any last minute details

A very lean OpenBox with the ability to be configured however you want through an easy to use GUI.

_**Whats new**_

  * linux310 3.10.27
  * Updated Turbulence-Evolution 0.2.1
  * evodark & evolight wallpapers
  * darknessFall theming
  * Multiple desktops
  * tint2 updated
  * new conky (LSD) with Manjaro theming
  * Manjaro green mouse hovers
  * out of the box with browser support (Midori)

A lean OpenBox with a script based post install and lower ram usage.

_**What's new**_

  * linux310 3.10.27
  * Culinax's post-install script (updated)
  * Removed Parcellite and Synapse, as they can now be added via post-install script
  * darknessFall theming
  * Manjaro-green mouse hovers
  * Color change of LXterminal output to Manjaro green
  * Moved Tint2 to bottom layer, to avoid open windows from getting "stuck" underneath panel
  * New backgrounds and Slim theme (dcell)
  * Added obmenu icon generator to obmenu (click to install)
  * out of the box with browser support (Midori)

* * *

[Download Manjaro 0.8.9 RC1 (Openbox i686 and x86_64)][7]  
[Discuss this release in our forum][8]

   [1]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/manjaro-obleg-089-300x219.png
   [2]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/manjaro-obleg-089.png (1st Release Candidate of Manjaro Openbox 0.8.9 available!)
   [3]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/manjaro-obevo-089-300x219.png
   [4]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/manjaro-obevo-089.png (1st Release Candidate of Manjaro Openbox 0.8.9 available!)
   [5]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/turbulence-300x259.png
   [6]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/turbulence.png (1st Release Candidate of Manjaro Openbox 0.8.9 available!)
   [7]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarotest/files/0.8.9/rc1/
   [8]: http://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=10302.0

URL: http://manjaro.org/2014/01/26/1st-release-candidate-of-manjaro-openbox-0-8-9-available/

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