[manjaro-general] (no subject)
Manjaro Linux | Manjaro Linux: philm
j.fernyhough at gmail.com
Sat Dec 7 15:12:18 CET 2013
[![system_software_update][1]][2]We are happy to announce our first update-pack for Manjaro 0.8.8.
It took us a little longer as expected to fix some bluetooth related issues. If you get trouble in KDE using bluedevil 2.0, please install bluedevil1. Blueman uses bluez5 now. We updated our kernels. Linux311 is end of life now. Canonical supports it until mid 2014, so we already started some discussions on our forum what to do about it. Calligra got updated to 2.7.5, Virtualbox to 4.3.4 and Cinnamon we ship now in version 2.0.14. Mesa and libdrm got now the latest versions.
kind regards
Philip Müller
* * *
**Current supported kernels:**
* Linux34 **3.4.71** - our default kernel series for Manjaro 0.8.7
* Linux38 **** - stable extended support kernel maintained by Canonical
* Linux310 **3.10.21** - it gets better with each update …
* Linux311 **3.11.10** - this kernel is now EOL. Please update to linux312
* Linux312 **3.12.2** - current stable release by Linus.
* Cinnamon 2.0.14
* Calligra 2.7.5
* Linux 3.4.71, 3.10.21, 3.11.10 & 3.12.2
* Gambas3 3.5.1
* libdrm 2.4.50 & mesa 9.2.4
* Legacy bluetooth-stack (bluedevil1 & bluez4)
* VirtualBox 4.3.4
**Changes in Detail:**
* community i686: 279 new and 260 removed package(s)
* community x86_64: 279 new and 259 removed package(s)
* core i686: 28 new and 28 removed package(s)
* core x86_64: 28 new and 28 removed package(s)
* extra i686: 170 new and 171 removed package(s)
* extra x86_64: 170 new and 171 removed package(s)
* multilib x86_64: 29 new and 28 removed package(s)
**Update instructions:**
Update your system as usual with pamac, octopi or pacman:
sudo pacman -Syu
Notice: You might have to wait until your mirror has synced.
Please check: [http://repo.manjaro.org][3]
**Talk about this Update:**
You can talk about this update-pack in our [forum][4].
[1]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/system_software_update.png
[2]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/system_software_update.png ()
[3]: http://repo.manjaro.org
[4]: http://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=9027.0
URL: http://manjaro.org/2013/12/07/3647/
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