[manjaro-dev] report on mate basic installation

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 00:18:47 CET 2016

I'll send through that file right away. It's weird, I can't get orca to 
start when the system starts. I did manage to turn it off using the 
shortcut, alt+windows+s, but although it will turn off using that 
shortcut, it won't turn on using it, so now I'm not sure what's going 
on. Is it a gsettings thing? I'll generate that file now and attac it.
Kendell Clark

Stefano Capitani wrote:
> Hi Kendell .. well i have modify the profiles.conf for mate-mate 
> profiles , seem i have missed to port into 0.13.8 changes i have now 
> correct ( i have ported gnome-basic and lost mate-basic sorry ) ..
> if is possible when you have set orca fine you can send me the result 
> file of this command :
> in a terminal do
> dconf dump /org/mate/ > gsettings.txt
> this command print in gsettings.txt all gsettings keys of your mate 
> installation .. after i compare the keys in the desktop-settings .. if 
> is not possible i search myself
> thank you :)
> ---
> Greetings
> Stefano Capitani
> Il 2016-12-18 22:05 kendell clark ha scritto:
>> hi all
>> Since phil and stefano want us to test mate basic, I have it installed
>> hear on my dell alongside windows 10. I had zero issues with the live
>> image but a couple of them after installation, which may be due to
>> some systemd services not being set in the profile.conf file. I'll
>> detail them below.
>> First, the login manager, lightdm, isn't enabled to start at system
>> start by systemd, so you're thrown into a login prompt at the command
>> line without speech. To fix this just enable it with sudo systemctl
>> enable lightdm
>> Second, the bluetoothd,  and org.cups.cupsd services are likewise
>> disabled, leading to bluetooth devices and printers not working. Easy
>> fix, just enable them.
>> Also, lots of printer drivers are not installed by default. Again,
>> easy fix, just install foomatic-db-ppds, foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds,
>> foomatic-db-gutenprint and foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds and you'll get
>> them all. Since this is meant to be a basic image and not full, these
>> can easily be ignored, since mate basic is meant  to test stuff before
>> it hits the full edition, so  the services being disabled needs to be
>> checked on the full image. The last issue is that orca isn't set to
>> start when mate is started. It looks like there's an error in our
>> gsettings file, when it tries to load it reports that
>> org.mate.applications-at doesn't exist, which means taht maybe a typo
>> was made? This gsettings stuff is well over my head so I'll stay out
>> of it and let you guys handle it. Other than that, sonar works just
>> fine with no issues, including no GPU problems I had with the latest
>> stable image, so clearly there was a bug somewhere.
>> Thanks
>> Kendell Clark
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