[manjaro-dev] report on mate basic installation

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Sun Dec 18 22:05:07 CET 2016

hi all
Since phil and stefano want us to test mate basic, I have it installed 
hear on my dell alongside windows 10. I had zero issues with the live 
image but a couple of them after installation, which may be due to some 
systemd services not being set in the profile.conf file. I'll detail 
them below.
First, the login manager, lightdm, isn't enabled to start at system 
start by systemd, so you're thrown into a login prompt at the command 
line without speech. To fix this just enable it with sudo systemctl 
enable lightdm
Second, the bluetoothd,  and org.cups.cupsd services are likewise 
disabled, leading to bluetooth devices and printers not working. Easy 
fix, just enable them.
Also, lots of printer drivers are not installed by default. Again, easy 
fix, just install foomatic-db-ppds, foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds, 
foomatic-db-gutenprint and foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds and you'll get 
them all. Since this is meant to be a basic image and not full, these 
can easily be ignored, since mate basic is meant  to test stuff before 
it hits the full edition, so  the services being disabled needs to be 
checked on the full image. The last issue is that orca isn't set to 
start when mate is started. It looks like there's an error in our 
gsettings file, when it tries to load it reports that 
org.mate.applications-at doesn't exist, which means taht maybe a typo 
was made? This gsettings stuff is well over my head so I'll stay out of 
it and let you guys handle it. Other than that, sonar works just fine 
with no issues, including no GPU problems I had with the latest stable 
image, so clearly there was a bug somewhere.
Kendell Clark

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