[manjaro-dev] report on Sonar mate full installation

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 14:02:57 CET 2016


If I understand, you want us to fix the basic mate image first before 
moving on to the full one? If so, can I begin working on mate full since 
I understand taht profile best? I'll keep my commits to my local copy 
and won't commit to the actual repo without generating a pull request, 
if I can figure out how, and if not I'll just email in hear to explain 
what I've changed so others can duplicate my work.


Kendell Clark

On 12/16/2016 6:55 AM, Stefano Capitani wrote:
> Sorry guys , but where Philip and i say to use the full mate edition 
> instead the basic ? I have used basic profiles and also Philip use 
> that .. the full image is next step .. Mate-basic is clean and have 
> only the core mate app plus the all sound feature to use with orca 
> this is how the manjaro edition are build : only minimal to test the 
> core de .. I say before : use the basic version , unstable repository 
> and copy / paste the new file of manjaro.conf in the 
> .config/manjaro-tools folder .
> I understand : you want build a full image but before is needed 
> building a mate iso image, if anyone build a different profiles this 
> is a non sense .
> sorry for my bad english , i hope you not misunderstanding me ;)
> ---
> Greetings
> Stefano Capitani
> Il 2016-12-16 13:40 coffeekingms at gmail.com ha scritto:
>> Hi
>> Mark's explanation beats the hell out of mine. Assuming I'm not 
>> persona non grata around hear after my little rant on Monday, I'll 
>> jump back in and help. I'm just about to boot my wife's laptop into 
>> sonar, then git pull, then build a mate full image since we're 
>> concentrating on that one for now. I'm also glad we decided to 
>> concentrate on one image at a time, much easier for me to keep up with.
>> Thanks
>> Kendell Clark
>> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for 
>> Windows 10
>> *From: *Mark Peveto <mailto:southernprince73 at gmail.com>
>> *Sent: *Friday, December 16, 2016 5:54 AM
>> *To: *manjaro-dev at manjaro.org <mailto:manjaro-dev at manjaro.org>
>> *Subject: *[manjaro-dev] report on Sonar mate full installation
>> Hi all,
>> Here's a report I drafted for the Sonar list.  This is for the mate full
>> image.  I haven't started working with mate basic since I figure we want
>> to work on this one first, solve it, then on to mate basic.
>> Ok folks, my mate full image just built. I'm about to run it and see
>> what I get.
>> I have my 32 gig patriot memory flash drive serving as my install medium.
>> The image has come up, but orca still doesn't start on it's own. Alt f-2
>> and typing orca does start it, though.  I had to guess at if it was up
>> or not, though, because there's no sonar music at startup.  Alt f1 still
>> isn't working, as it should bring me to the menus of the OS.  I'll see
>> if that changes after install.
>> Installer is now running, and installing to another flash drive. I'm up
>> to 50 percent, and it hasn't crashed yet.
>> The installer has completed, so I'm gonna try to boot into the installed
>> image now.  So far, two concerns...orca doesn't start on it's own, and
>> alt f1 doesn't activate the menus as it should. We'll see if that
>> changes on the actual installed image.
>> Looks like we may have a problem once the image is installed.  I can't
>> tell if we're still getting hit by that login screen that we shouldn't
>> have if I set my system to login automatically, which i always do.  I
>> have no orca, and no startup music.  If I'm stuck in the login screen,
>> there's no way for me to hit alt f2 to start orca if I can't get it to
>> start on it's own.
>> Explanation for manjaro devs:
>> A few updates back, a login screen started appearing even though I used
>> the login automatically option.  If it's showing itself now with the new
>> image, I can't tell.  Orca won't start with any of it's assigned key
>> strokes.  I tried navigating it withouth speech by simply hitting enter
>> and typing in my password, but it didn't seem to work.
>> Again, this is the mate full image.  I won't touch mate basic until we
>> can work this problem and solve it.
>> Thanks again for your help.
>> --
>> Mark Peveto
>> Registered Linux user 600552
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