[manjaro-dev] [dirtyCOW] please update kernels ASAP

Bernhard Landauer oberon at manjaro.org
Sat Oct 22 22:45:24 CEST 2016

There's a little misunderstanding.
We are supporting two rt-series. rt-lts which uses the latest LTS, so 
currently linux44 as basekernel.
The other series uses the latest available rt-patched kernel and it used 
to be linux46 until very recently. Right now we were in the process of 
shifting the rt(-non-lts) from linux46 to linux48.

On 22/10/16 22:41, Jonathon Fernyhough wrote:
> How many people use the RT kernels? Is it worth the effort supporting
> three RT series in addition to all the 'normal' kernel series?
> As I said in a previous post, we shouldn't be providing kernels that
> aren't or can't be patched. If it's a choice between 1) a secure and
> up-to-date kernel, and 2) meeting the needs of a niche group, we should
> choose an up-to-date kernel.
> On 22/10/16 21:35, Bernhard Landauer wrote:
>> well with 4.8-rt unfortunately I have four more extramodules that won't
>> build:
>> ndiswrapper, nvidiabl, open-vm-tools and r8168
>> Maybe it will be best for now to stick with 4.6 and apply the
>> dirtyCOW-patch with that one. Or should we provide rt without those
>> modules and tell people who need any of those modules to use rt-lts
>> instead? Doesn't seem nice...
>> What do you guys think?
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