[manjaro-dev] buildiso: very very slow or crashy when building sonar iso files

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 01:15:45 CEST 2016

I've definitely seen this, although I put it down to my macbook, which
is really slow, and not really cut out for image building. I hope I
didn't mess something up yet again, although all I've done is add
software packages and some config files, none of which should mess
things up. That doesn't mean I haven't, just that I can't think of what
might have happened.
Kendell Clark

Simon Eigeldinger wrote:
> Hi,
> i just tried to build some sonar images and i have the feeling my
> machine crashes while building the isos.
> or its very slow i don't know though i seem to get no reaction after a
> while.
> anyone has noted that as well somehow?
> greetings,
> simon

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