[manjaro-dev] apology

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 19:21:10 CEST 2016

hi all
I want to apologize for my tone in my last message. I'd just gotten
through trying to help a user get his braille display working with sonar
and it spilled over onto udevd. You've done a fantastic job getting
lightdm working with sonar, I couldn't have done it without your help.
Would you mind telling me where custom files go since you don't want
them in the root overlay? I'd like to murge my changes into manjaro's
samba config file and use that in sonar rather than using my own copy.
I'd also like to update our mumble desktop icon to connect to the sonar
channel inside of kyle's mumble server, I'm guessing that one goes into
our sonar common package along with the users guides. You guys help the
sonar team out a lot and you don't deserve my exasperation.
Kendell Clark

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