[manjaro-dev] Homepage

Jonathon Fernyhough jonathon at manjaro.org
Sat Jul 23 16:57:49 CEST 2016

I know Wordpress can make some things easier, but unless someone is
actively maintaining it I'd suggest a static generator is the way
forward (whether Jekyll or Hugo or...).

Making the theme fit into a static template it fairly straightforward
but just takes a bit of time.

If Jekyll is used it also means that github.io (or any generic web host)
can be used as a backup.


On 23/07/16 15:34, Philip Müller wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've reactivated the old homepage. I also updated some of the software
> we are using. This will give us some time to rethink and maybe people
> might come forward to help us design our new web presence.
> Ownership transfer is still ongoing. Will keep you guys updated when it
> is done.
> greez
> Phil

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