[manjaro-dev] sonar mate edition 16.07 has been released

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 06:34:36 CEST 2016

hi all
It's finally hear!
After delay after delay, I'm proud to release our next stable mate
edition, sonar gnu linux version 16.07, into the world. New features
include a custom sound theme, much improved documentation, and a link to
a fantastic and growing wiki, thanks to Ryan Eversole, our social media
manager. Simon's fantastic audio tutorials are coming soon in a package
update. I didn't get the links to the tutorials in time, but once I have
them they'll be coming in a sonar common update, so watch out for an
update. Our gnome edition will be coming in a couple of days, once the
manjaro team have had a chance to fix my mistakes with the gsettings
stuff. I'm going to celebrate tonight with an extra large cup of coffee
and a couple of days to relax. I'll be back on wednesday to start work
on sonar gnome again. I really appreciate everyone's hard work testing,
providing feedback, and most of all your patience during the delays.
Kyle Brouhard is working hard on torrents, they should be available some
time tomorrow afternoon. The 64 bit version will appear first, followed
by the 32 bit version, which I'm building now.  For those of you who
follow me on gnu social, I've already posted a release announcement
there. Ryan, would you mind posting one on twitter and facebook as well?
I would but I don't know the login info.  I wish to personally think philip mooler, bernhard landauer and all the rest of the manjaro team for there continued support and hard work. Without you guys sonar would not be where it is now. If you want to grab a copy or learn more, visit http://download.sonargnulinux.com.

Thank you all for all your support
Kendell Clark

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