[manjaro-dev] Manjaro CHRoot

Pákozdi Bea pakozdibea at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 09:14:11 CEST 2016


I think mhwd-chroot should be included on Manjaro live cd-s.

I have one of the notorious Realtech 8192cu chipset which barely supported
by the default Linux kernel. I have to use the 8192cu-dkms package from AUR.

I upgraded and rebooted my system and it didn't want to work anymore. It
said "Kernel Panic". I didn't have much choice I started a Manjaro live
which I had downloaded earlier, and tried to chroot into it. My idea was
downgrading the kernel. I found out that mhwd-chroot was not included on
this CD and I didn't have internet connection via WIFI and UTP cable was
not possible here.
So I had to use my mobile internet, which is kind of expensive to download
the required packages.

After this, Manjaro worked well and I could upgrade my kernel to linux44
which also works well.

Summarizing; mhwd-chroot is a useful tool which should be available without
internet connection.
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