[manjaro-dev] Manjaro-Arm 16.04 Release

Josh Crowder dodgejcr at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 16:46:10 CEST 2016


Just wanted to give an update of the status of Manjaro-Arm. With Boxit 
not working the way we had hoped and a little downtime for me to handle 
some personal matters, we are back up and moving forward.

I have created scripts and some automation to be able to use Manjaro-Arm 
packages with archlinuxarm packages and it works. Its not the optimal 
solution and I think we may be able to get everything compiled together 
for a proper program, but it is about the best I could do in the interim.

The next major tasks at hand is porting over some of manjaro-tools. I am 
most interested in mkchrootpkg. All in good time.

In the meantime, with our new mirror structure and repo management 
tools, I felt it important to release new base tarballs for each of our 
editions and those have just been done. So far reports a great and we 
will continue to move forward.


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