[manjaro-dev] a couple of packages my users want

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 01:03:45 CET 2016

hi all
I've been getting very frequent on and off list request for the 
following packages, both of which are in the aur, to be available. 
Corebird, which is a gtk twitter client that's very accessible, released 
under the gpl3, and veracrypt. I'm not sure if this is a trucrypt fork, 
or what trucrypt turned into. I'm not sure if this one is actually open 
source. The license says it's a combination of the apache2 license, 
which qualifies, but the tru crypt license ... I'm not sure. In any 
case, would someone mind uploading these to community? I'd be glad to 
maintain them myself if I can get my gpg key uploaded. Thanks to whoever 
fixed our gnome profile, it works great now.  Also, happy valentines day 
to all!
Kendell Clark

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