[manjaro-dev] Android like Factory Reset (Idea)

. . spmml at yandex.com
Fri Feb 12 17:16:18 CET 2016

Ok, I'll check it out when it is ready. Thanks for your work

12.02.2016, 14:16, "Bernhard Landauer" <oberon at manjaro.org>:
> A similar thing will be possible with the new concept of
> desktop-settings we are currently in the process of establishing.
> All default settings will be stored and updated in your /etc/skel folder
> and in the gsettings schemas.
> You will just have to create a new user and he will look exactly like on
> a fresh installation.
> greetings
> oberon
> On 12/02/16 12:00, .. wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>  After some updates, I guess, some things broke. I thought of reinstalling the OS but I had giving away my USB stick to a family member, so I didn't (yet). Of course, I could always borrow or buy another one. However, I though of that android and windows 10 type factory reset option. I think it would be a nice option to have It in Manjaro. Do you guys think it would be interesting/a relatively easy feature to implement, from a programmers perspective?
>>  Best,
>>  Paadiş
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