[manjaro-dev] Update on Manjaro-arm and help with boxit

dodgejcr dodgejcr at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 01:00:36 CET 2016


I have been quite busy with this Manjaro-Arm, of course for now I have
only been building with armv7h as I only have a Raspberry Pi 2 to play
with. A friend is going to be sending me some beagleboards to help with
development soon so I can start that as well. 

I have forked Manjaro repos to a manjaro-arm github [1] and started
building. Surprisingly, it has mostly gone very smooth. Most of the
{extra} packages have built with the exception of 10 or so that might
not be needed, see issues for more information.

I have also went ahead and got manjaro-arm.org [2] domain that can be
transfered later if it should ever come to that. I also have a repo and
a wiki set up at that domain [3][4]. 

As far as the project goes, we have a kernel and most the packages
built (just now starting on community) I have built a base off of the
archlinux-arm's version with our kernel and xfce packages to make a tar
that we have been using.[5] It will boot with very Manjaro-themed xfce
with ssh access and vnc access. [see images]. Pamac works great and I
havent come across any serious issues with it just yet.

I have run into build errors with pacman so I am still using
archlinux's but with a quick mirrorlist change it works fine with my
repo. Once pacman is built, I think I can get mhwd and manjaro-settings 
all built and working properly (mhwd might be pointless on an embedded
device except for wifi/eth adapters)

My major hurdle right now is setting up boxit so that we can still pull
from archlinux cleanly. I know Phil, you said that you wouldn't mind
giving us a quick rundown of how to use it and that would be amazing I
tried messing with it but couldnt figure out if I needed boxit-server
or anything like that. Once this is done, we can begin setting up a
true Manjaro system ready for some fine tuning. 

Any help you can give us Phil would be very much appreciated.



***** Images
##I didnt want to post the image here for size reasons but here is a
link to them
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