[manjaro-dev] manjaro sonar iso profiles not building

Philip Müller philm at manjaro.org
Mon Jan 4 19:38:14 CET 2016

On 04.01.2016 19:28, Majid Hussain wrote:
> hi there,
> my manjaro-tools version is as folows
>  manjaro-tools-iso0.9.15-3
> other profiles function correctly :)
> Majid

Hmm, then I currently don't know what the issue might be. Please check
if you have followed line in your manjaro-tools.conf file so
manjaro-tools detect the sonar profiles as defaults:


The folder should also been called that. This is automatically by
checking the git-repo out:

git clone https://github.com/manjaro/manjaro-tools-iso-profiles-sonar.git

kind regards

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