[manjaro-dev] hey there, [15.12] should we look into Cnchi for backporting fixes for Thus?

Bernhard Landauer oberon at manjaro.org
Tue Nov 3 03:15:51 CET 2015

What exactly is the problem with this Mate profile?
I have just successfully built and booted it and cannot see any obvious 

On 02/11/15 11:05, kendell clark wrote:
> hi
> I am indeed working with teo to fix calamares's issues. The mate issue
> is a long known problem. Phil says he'll build the edition when he has
> time and look into it. In the mean time, I've taken our profile apart
> and looked at every file in it. We've mostly standardized on software,
> only having differences where needed. For example, the mate profile has
> the asunder cd ripper instead of sound-juicer, lightdm instead of gdm,
> etc. But for the most part software is standardized regardless of
> desktop. I've been trying ever since 2015.3 to fix this since the
> problem showed up shortly after that release but to no luck. I know it's
> something I've done but I can't find it. In the meantime, if you want
> mate, I'd recommend eitehr downloading 2015.3 or 2015.2 mate edition and
> upgrading your system. It's not ideal, but that will allow you to both
> have mate and keep up to date, since we never discontinue support for
> old versions.
> Thanks
> Kendell clark
> On 11/02/2015 03:44 AM, Philip Müller wrote:
>> On 02.11.2015 10:40, Majid Hussain wrote:
>>> hi there,
>>> I hope you are well.
>>> would it be possable if you could take a look at your sister projects
>>> mate issue?
>>> sonar?
>>> we seemb to be having an issue ware the iso boots but just stopps.
>>> on another completely different note,
>>> your Calamares installer, how accessible is it?
>>> thanks,
>>> Majid Hussain
>> Hi Majid,
>> we decided to keep Thus in maintenance mode and only fix issues if
>> people report them. Calamares is not yet fully accessible but Kendell
>> and Teo are working on it.
>> I still had no time yet to build the Mate edition. Will take a look at
>> it soon.
>> greez
>> Phil
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