[manjaro-dev] hey there, [15.12] should we look into Cnchi for backporting fixes for Thus?

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 11:05:12 CET 2015

I am indeed working with teo to fix calamares's issues. The mate issue
is a long known problem. Phil says he'll build the edition when he has
time and look into it. In the mean time, I've taken our profile apart
and looked at every file in it. We've mostly standardized on software,
only having differences where needed. For example, the mate profile has
the asunder cd ripper instead of sound-juicer, lightdm instead of gdm,
etc. But for the most part software is standardized regardless of
desktop. I've been trying ever since 2015.3 to fix this since the
problem showed up shortly after that release but to no luck. I know it's
something I've done but I can't find it. In the meantime, if you want
mate, I'd recommend eitehr downloading 2015.3 or 2015.2 mate edition and
upgrading your system. It's not ideal, but that will allow you to both
have mate and keep up to date, since we never discontinue support for
old versions.
Kendell clark

On 11/02/2015 03:44 AM, Philip Müller wrote:
> On 02.11.2015 10:40, Majid Hussain wrote:
>> hi there,
>> I hope you are well.
>> would it be possable if you could take a look at your sister projects
>> mate issue?
>> sonar?
>> we seemb to be having an issue ware the iso boots but just stopps.
>> on another completely different note,
>> your Calamares installer, how accessible is it?
>> thanks,
>> Majid Hussain
> Hi Majid,
> we decided to keep Thus in maintenance mode and only fix issues if
> people report them. Calamares is not yet fully accessible but Kendell
> and Teo are working on it.
> I still had no time yet to build the Mate edition. Will take a look at
> it soon.
> greez
> Phil

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