[manjaro-dev] Plymouth 0.8.9 issue

Philip Müller philm at manjaro.org
Sun Oct 11 17:26:09 CEST 2015

Am 11.10.2015 um 13:43 schrieb Eugen F:
> I just tested the packages from AUR (both *0.9.2*):
> *plymouth*: doesn't work at all, password entry not possible.
> *plymouth-git*: no problems while entering password and booting.
> I used a clean VM while testing, installing from
> *manjaro-xfce-15.09-x86_64.iso,* then updating all packages.
> This time I did the default setup with LUKS *+ LVM* (my stable VM uses only
> LUKS) and after rebooting it wasn't possible to boot with splash at all.
> While it was possible to boot sometimes after several tries on the stable
> system, it responded with "Enter passphrase" everytime now.
> So Plymouth 0.8.9 seems to work even worse with encrypted LVM than just
> with LUKS. After switching to *plymouth-git* the system then booted as
> expected again.

Great to know that the current git-version of plymouth seems to work. I
might create a package out of it for further testing.

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