[manjaro-dev] Liblouis Python3 binding producing traceback error message

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Fri Aug 14 12:32:44 CEST 2015

Dear List,

Manjaro repository containing with Liblouis 2.6.3-1 release related 
package version.
When I toggled on contracted braille feature in Orca screen reader, the 
contracted braille feature not working me, I see only one character my 
phisical braille display.
Because Orca Screen Reader using Liblouis Python3 binding to generate 
contracted translated braille output, I fast doed a little test program 
to test Liblouis forward translation.
The test program code is following:
#!coding: UTF-8
import louis, sys
print ('Translated Liblouis braille output: 
'+louis.translateString(['en-us-g1.ctb'], text, None, 0))

If I ran Python3 liblouis_test.py apple command, I get following 
traceback error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/run/media/belin/BeLin-4.01-amd64/liblouis_test.py", line 4, in 
     print ('Translated Liblouis braille output: 
'+louis.translateString(['en-us-g1.ctb'], text, None, 0))
   File "/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/louis/__init__.py", line 178, 
in translateString
     return outbuf.value
ValueError: character U+61003b is not in range [U+0000; U+10ffff]

The test program expected output is following:
Translated Liblouis braille output: apple

If I recompile Liblouis from source with --prefix=/usr --enable-ucs4 
configure parameters, all works fine me, both my test program and Orca 
contracted braille support.
Now, what configuration options have in Liblouis related PKGBUILD file?
In Ubuntu and Debian releases the --enable-ucs4 option is used before 
Liblouis compilation.

What the next step?


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