[manjaro-dev] Fwd: CUPS

klesk klesk at manjaro.org
Mon Feb 23 13:04:01 CET 2015


there are already serveral threads in the forum about this behaviour.





The Solution for this which works is;

sudo systemctl stop org.cups.cupsd.service
sudo systemctl disable org.cups.cupsd.service
sudo pacman -Rsn manjaro-printer
( if you have hplip installed you have to reinstall it, because it will
be removed with the manjaro-printer package)

Now change the /etc/cups/client.conf to this;

# see 'man client.conf'
#ServerName /run/cups/cups.sock #  alternative: ServerName hostname-or-ip-address[:port] of a remote server
ServerName localhost:631

(pretend from high cpu load)
and then go on with;

sudo pacman -S cups cups-pdf cups-pk-helper 
sudo systemctl daemon-reload 
sudo systemctl enableorg.cups.cupsd.service
sudo systemctl start org.cups.cupsd.service

Am Mon, 23 Feb 2015 12:43:53 +0100
schrieb philm at manjaro.org:

> Do we have some input on that matter?
> -------- Originalnachricht --------
> Betreff: CUPS
> Datum: 2015-02-23 11:36
> Von: "r1chy c at nello" <superichy at gmail.com>
> An: support at manjaro.org
>   Hi Philm Guru, sorry for writing here... but I don't find anything
> according to my problem in the forums:
>   CUPS fails when I want to add a Wireless printer... It can find and
> show it, the installation begins perfect... when it is looking for the
> driver, I have the following message:
>   You can see some screenshots at the end of this thread (Spanish);
> http://gnulinuxvagos.es/topic/3978-servicio-cups-no-funciona-antergosarchlinux/
> [1]
>   On localhost:631 I see CUPS 2.0.1 running correct...
>   I have two computers with Manjaro XFCE 0.8.10 and 0.8.11 updated to
> the latest stable repos... I did what the Wiki says about the new
> version of CUPS...
>   Could you help me?
>   I'm waiting Manjaro 0.9 for installing in a third computer... thanks
> for your effort and quality, good week,
>   Richy, Argentina - Santa Fe
> Links:
> ------
> [1] 
> http://gnulinuxvagos.es/topic/3978-servicio-cups-no-funciona-antergosarchlinux/
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