[manjaro-dev] trying to update plasma 5 iso: calamares error (bad source)

philm at manjaro.org philm at manjaro.org
Wed Jan 14 09:14:01 CET 2015

Hi Lane,

did you checked the file you have on your disk? Do you have any other 
file in etc? Livecd-Script only modifies our file in share folder 
(/usr/share/calamares/modules/unpackfs.conf). I already pointed you to 
the lines which are handling to edit the needed file. Before you start 
Calamares please verify if livecd-script has edited your config file. 
_root-image_ and _desktop-image_ are just place-holders and need to be 
replaced, otherwise you get the issue you're having. There should be no 
file in etc as it overrides share config files.

As I've no issue with my profile and the code looks fine, it seems to me 
a problem with your profile only.

kind regards

Am 2015-01-14 08:11, schrieb Lane Wiscombe:
> I had made an issue on github about this error and philm first said,
> "Second issue is related to your profile, which is not yet supported by
> manjaro tools"
> then said later,
> "By default we ship Calamares with this unpackfs.conf. The script is 
> editing
> it on bootup thru livecd script. Before you start calamares, please 
> check the
> content. The default conf is just a place-holder. There is never a root 
> image.
> And installing calamares on a live-session should keep the conf which 
> was
> modified on bootup"
> I think he saying that the calamares unpackfs.conf is suppose to update 
> on
> boot thru livecd script and it doesn't look like it is or am i missing
> something? He closed the issue without confirmation of anything and I 
> still
> get the error..
> https://github.com/manjaro/manjaro-tools/issues/29
> http://imgur.com/5YBlFIi
> Forums: referance: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=19565.0
> Thanks for any help,
> AneX
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