[manjaro-dev] [Manjaro Linux Support] Panel applets adds two applets only when you select one.

Philip Müller philm at manjaro.org
Fri Mar 21 07:06:46 CET 2014

Hi Jonatan,

thx for your reported issue. It might been already solved in our testing 
branch. Those packages should merge with stable any day soon. If you 
want to test it right now you can switch branches with:

sudo pacman-mirrors -gb testing

I would be happy if you can report your findings

kind regards


Am 21.03.2014 04:41, schrieb Jonatan Ayllon:
> From: Jonatan Ayllon <jonatanayllon at gmail.com>
> Subject: Panel applets adds two applets only when you select one.
> Message Body:
> Hello development team Manjaro, I recently installed Manjaro with cinnamon and I found a problem in the Deskbar to add applets "Workspace switcher" not only the applets appear, if not also the applets Battery appears.
> Steps to reproduce.
> 1) Right click on the taskbar cinnamon
> 2) Select "Add to Panel applets"
> 3) Add to Panel "Workspace switcher"
> Result obtained: In the deskbar Workspaces and battery switcher appears.
> --
> This mail is sent via contact form on Manjaro Linux http://manjaro.org

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