[manjaro-dev] [Manjaro Linux Support] Window manager

Philip Müller philm at manjaro.org
Tue Mar 4 08:00:26 CET 2014

Can somebody help him with this?

Am 04.03.2014 06:32, schrieb Carlos:
> From: Carlos <capedrazap at gmail.com>
> Subject: Window manager
> Message Body:
> Hi, I am new in Linux and so far Ihave enjoyed the experience trough manjaro. today I found out that de Window Manager (gestor de ventantas, in spanish) and Window manajer settings (ajustes del gestor de ventanas) do not open. so far the only modifications that i have done are some efects on compiz an installing some themes and icons.
> thanks for your help and attention
> --
> This mail is sent via contact form on Manjaro Linux http://manjaro.org

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