[manjaro-dev] [Manjaro Linux Support] Wifi. Wpa psk aes, not connected, wicd, wifi radar, wpa supplicant

Philip Müller philm at manjaro.org
Wed Dec 11 22:19:23 CET 2013

Hi Edgar,

sometimes wlan hardware doesn't get properly supported. It would be nice 
to have your hardware ID so we can help you. Followed commands will give 
you that information:

mwhd -lh


hwinfo --netcard
hwinfo --wlan

On 12/11/2013 07:40 PM, Edgar wrote:
> From: Edgar <edgardryan at gmail.com>
> Subject: Wifi. Wpa psk aes, not connected, wicd, wifi radar, wpa supplicant
> Message Body:
> Hello friends Manjaro. I was unable to connect via wifi. With wpa psk aes. I installed wicd, wifi radar, wpa supplicant gui, all did not work. Testing manually, following the instructions on the archlinux wiki. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/WPA_supplicant_(Espa%C3%B1ol), http://aulacero21.xtrweb.com/wordpress/2013/11/03/configuracion-de-wpa-en-debian/and others. Using google translator. Spanish - English
> --
> This mail is sent via contact form on Manjaro Linux http://manjaro.org

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