[manjaro-packages] [Fwd: Re: archlinux-appstream-data package]

FH mjro at uex.dk
Fri Mar 10 15:06:51 CET 2017

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: FH <fh at uex.dk>
To: Stefano Capitani <stefano at manjaro.org>
Subject: Re: [manjaro-packages] archlinux-appstream-data package
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 13:52:54 +0100

On Fri, 2017-03-10 at 12:41 +0100, Stefano Capitani wrote:
> Uhmm . Is need generated a db for app ?

The ximion repo is where the original development happens.

The package I used is appstream-glib from archlinux.org which seems to 
originate here

If I look inside a package - eg gnome-photos-{someversion}.pkg.tar.xz

Under /usr/share/appdata I find a org.gnome.Photos.appdata.xml
Under /usr/share/applications I find a org.gnome.Phots.desktop


The appstream-builder reads the packages and extract the info from
the xml and desktop file. I also extracts icons from the apps icon

So for an app to be correctly registered as available

This info is used to generate the sample files I generated for the
unstable repo. You can find them at this location

The appstream-builder which is in manjaro-community repo seems to have
interface for alpm or asb

The script I used on the unstable repo is available on this location

Regards .

Frede H.

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