[manjaro-general] [Stable Update] 2017-05-19 – Kernels, LibreOffice, Mesa, Thunderbird, Cinnamon
matthew dyer
ilovecountrymusic483 at gmail.com
Fri May 19 21:52:20 CEST 2017
Hi hope this message makes it ti the list. Fill,
What is the store with callarmers accessibility? I ask as I want to take a look at the manjaro again, but the last I heard accessibility in callarmers the installer you are now using does not work with orca at at least with sudo priviliges. Is this problem still being worked on? I have a really old sonar image which is based on manjaro, but after installing, I can not get the packages updated as it is unable to satify dependencies. It would be great to have a way to get manjaro working with callamers if this is still possible. Thanks. Hope this list receives this message as It seem to only get to on person.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Manjaro Linux: Philip Müller
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 4:18 AM
To: manjaro-general at manjaro.org
Subject: [manjaro-general] [Stable Update] 2017-05-19 – Kernels, LibreOffice, Mesa, Thunderbird, Cinnamon
[![system_software_update][1]][2]Hi community,
we are happy to present **[Cinnamon v3.4][3]** to our distribution. It comes with new features, a ton of fixes and refinements. Also a brand new [spices website][4] was created to get applets and desklets easy to install. We also **updated most of our kernels** and pushed out the **latest LibreOffice and Thunderbird**. We have also the **lastest KDE-Framework and Mesa-Stack** added to this update-pack.
Please give us feedback as usual and report any issues you may see with this update.
kind regards
Philip Müller and the Manjaro Development Team
* * *
**Current supported Kernels**
* linux310 3.10.105
* linux312 3.12.74 [EOL]
* linux316 3.16.42
* linux318 3.18.53 [EOL]
* linux41 4.1.39
* linux44 4.4.68
* linux48 4.8.17 [EOL]
* linux49 4.9.28
* linux410 4.10.16
* linux411 4.11.1
* linux-RT-LTS 4.4.66_rt79 (x86_64)
* linux-RT 4.9.27_rt18 (x86_64)
**Package Updates** (Fri May 19 06:07:01 CEST 2017)
* community i686: 269 new and 244 removed package(s)
* community x86_64: 287 new and 261 removed package(s)
* core i686: 22 new and 22 removed package(s)
* core x86_64: 22 new and 22 removed package(s)
* extra i686: 360 new and 353 removed package(s)
* extra x86_64: 360 new and 353 removed package(s)
* multilib x86_64: 6 new and 2 removed package(s)
* * *
* [Talk about this update-pack in our forum][5]
* [Download Manjaro 17.0.2-pre3][6]
* [We are always happy for some support via a small donation][7]
[1]: https://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/system_software_update.png
[2]: https://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/system_software_update.png ([Stable Update] 2017-05-19 - Kernels, LibreOffice, Mesa, Thunderbird, Cinnamon)
[3]: http://segfault.linuxmint.com/2017/05/cinnamon-3-4-released/
[4]: https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/
[5]: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/24059
[6]: https://manjaro.org/manjaro-preview-releases/
[7]: https://manjaro.org/donate/
URL: https://manjaro.org/2017/05/19/stable-update-2017-05-19-kernels-libreoffice-mesa-thunderbird-cinnamon/
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manjaro-general at manjaro.org
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