[manjaro-general] Manjaro E20 16.04 released

Manjaro Linux jonathon at manjaro.org
Tue Apr 12 02:00:00 CEST 2016

The Manjaro Community is proud to present our new **Elightenment 20 Edition**.  
Enlightenment is more suited for users already familiar with Linux. Manjaro-E20 aims to be light, fast and resource friendly, yet at the same time complete and ready to use for all typical everyday office- and multimedia-needs.


**Main programs**

  * Kernel 4.4.6 LTS, SDDM, installer Thus
  * Ardis icons, Themes ‘manjaro dark’, ‘blue sky’, and ‘onix’
  * Galculator, Mousepad
  * Gimp, Viewnior
  * Firefox, Hexchat, Transmission
  * Mpv and Smplayer (with all skins and themes), Emixer
  * Abiword
  * Pamac, Chroot, Qisousb, Lxtask, Terminology, Xsensors…
  * multilib enabled and nonfree drivers included in the 64 bit version

kind regards, Esclapion, Maintainer Manjaro Enlightenment

* * *

## Links

  * [Download][2]
  * [Forum Post][3]

   [1]: https://manjaro.github.io/images/manjaro-e20-16.04.jpg
   [2]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux/files/community/Enlightenment/2016.04/
   [3]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=32884.msg268551#msg268551

URL: https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-E20-16.04-released/

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