[manjaro-general] Manjaro Update 2016-02-09 (stable)

Manjaro Linux jonathon at manjaro.org
Tue Feb 9 01:00:00 CET 2016

I’m happy to announce our **seventh update** of Manjaro 15.12 (Capella)!

We updated most of our kernels to the latest point releases:,,, 4.1.17-1,, 4.3.5-1, 4.4.1-2, 4.5rc3-1.

Also we have updated our vertex themes and mirrorlist. Calamares is now in its seventh beta release with a reworked partitioner module. Additional updates for eric, maia themes, chromium, calligra, haskell, mythtv, nvidia driver, lightdm, added amdgpu support to mhwd, profiles and settings of manjaro-tools can be found within this update.

With this we have now pacman v5.0 and pamac v3.0 plus updated packages regarding these changes. Pamac includes followed changes/features:

  * pacman 5 support
  * AUR package now display in a separate list
  * display time remaining for downloads
  * many speed improvements
  * improved notification handling (thanks to pointhi)

Archlinux upstream fixes are now from: Mon Feb 8 07:59:49 CET 2016.

It is always good to check for updated packages, even we don’t notify you about them. As usual people using our testing branch will help us to get snaps over to our branch almost smoothly. For notifications on daily bases please take a look at our [mailing list][1].

Please give us feedback and report any findings with this update.

Kind regards, Philip Müller and the Manjaro Development Team

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## Current supported kernels

  * Linux310 3.10.96
  * Linux312 3.12.53
  * Linux313
  * Linux314 3.14.60
  * Linux316
  * Linux318 3.18.26
  * Linux319
  * Linux41 4.1.17
  * Linux42
  * Linux43 4.3.5
  * Linux44 4.4.1
  * Linux45 4.5-rc3

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## Package changes

  * community i686: 457 new and 426 removed package(s)
  * community x86_64: 458 new and 427 removed package(s)
  * core i686: 33 new and 33 removed package(s)
  * core x86_64: 33 new and 33 removed package(s)
  * extra i686: 344 new and 334 removed package(s)
  * extra x86_64: 344 new and 334 removed package(s)
  * multilib x86_64: 17 new and 13 removed package(s)

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## Links

  * [Talk about this update][2]
  * [Changelog][3]

   [1]: https://lists.manjaro.org/pipermail/manjaro-packages/
   [2]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=30975.0
   [3]: https://lists.manjaro.org/pipermail/manjaro-packages/Week-of-Mon-20160208/005939.html

URL: https://manjaro.github.io/Update-2016-02-09_(stable)/

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